TI-92 calculator Functions Updated at 10:53 AM on 8/16/99 Copyright (C) Bhuvanesh Bhatt Please do not distribute this function as your own. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can e-mail me at bbhatt1@towson.edu Note: => is the store symbol, @ is the comment symbol, and Integrate is the the integration symbol. Wronsk() is a function from MathTools. ***************************************************** varpar(yilist,ff) Func Local ii,jj,tmp,wron,dd,wk @ Solves for a particular solution of the nth-order @ nonhomogenous ODE with rhs=ff(x) in standard form, @ and with yilist being a list of n linearly independent @ solutions of the corresponding homogeneous ODE. wronsk(yilist,x)=>wron: dim(yilist)=>dd: newList(dd)=>tmp For ii,1,dd wron=>wk For jj,1,dd 0=>wk[jj,ii] EndFor ff=>wk[dd,ii] Integrate(det(wk)/det(wron),x)=>tmp[ii] tmp[ii]*yilist[ii]=>tmp[ii] EndFor Return yp(x)=sum(tmp) EndFunc ****************************************************